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PLEASE HELP! my internet provider sent me a notice that i had been downloading torrents? - Printable Version

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PLEASE HELP! my internet provider sent me a notice that i had been downloading torrents? - Clayton - 04-18-2014 01:16 PM

Ok here's the thing.My internet service provider,Charter,sent me a copyright notice for peer 2 peer file sharing for the second time.I never downloaded anymore torrents ever since the 1st notice.But for some reason they still contacted me.I never download torrents like crazy,just a few every month.Should i get a different ISP.Please help because i cannot be sued for thousands of dollars

Note:i deleted my bit torrent on the first notice and now i deleted everything that was torrented.

- Eugene Felix IV - 04-18-2014 01:27 PM

Hi Clayton. I once had that problem. I suggest that you call and explain your side. Things like that happen. Mistakes in the database can be a very common error in the business. Please do explain and detail it. I'm sure they do have the ears to listen and heart to understand. Let me know if it helps.

- anon - 04-18-2014 01:37 PM

maybe you shuld stop doing illegal things

- john - 04-18-2014 01:42 PM

What the ****?
I create an account, post on one, then log off seeing that my post got automatically removed.
I went back on my account, did a test IAMA, logged off went back to new, post is gone...
I finally checked on my users the account is deleted straight off the bat.
I tried again the second time, made an account, posted. Same results.