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how can i get internet at home? - Printable Version

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how can i get internet at home? - 987 - 04-18-2014 02:00 PM

so, my dad has me blocked out of the wifi and i want internet. we have an old router but the modem is broken, i have a few cables but idk if they work...every one, even my brother has access to the wifi....just not me due to my ex, how can i get around this?
to log in, it requires my dad to enter my mac address and the router is in his locked room

- Minister of Truth - 04-18-2014 02:10 PM

get password from bro.

don't set up a concealed security cam over looking his pc, tho, or put a keylogger on it.

- Chris - 04-18-2014 02:13 PM

If you wanted to connect it to the network all you do is get the ethernet cable plug it into the internet port on the old router, then with the other end plug that into the new routers numbered (client) port. Plug in the power and there you go. Just log into your router. Thats the only way if you dont have a second modem.