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posting links on craigslist? - Printable Version

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posting links on craigslist? - Michelle - 04-18-2014 02:27 PM

im looking to post a picture on craigslist and making that picture got to my webpage

now my problem is that i am getting a picture from photobucket and putting my webadderess in and when you click the picture its taking me to photobucket, i want it to take you to my website

ive been using this

<a href = ""><img src = ""></img></a>

and its just sending me back to photobucket

- Just Wondering - 04-18-2014 02:39 PM

Instead of using Photobucket, you should try

Photobucket is very commercial and wants users to come to their site for the ads.

Your html code looks correct.

- Ed Atun - 04-18-2014 02:43 PM

Craigslist has a rule against posting links. They don't want your website or photobucket links. Unless you post as a Business in the business section.