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How would I generate Hype around my Website? - Printable Version

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How would I generate Hype around my Website? - Tom - 04-18-2014 02:46 PM

I was just wondering as I am thinking of starting up a website where people in the UK can trade trading cards

- Fiona - 04-18-2014 02:49 PM

Hi Tom

You need to create as many links as possible from other noteworthy web sites to your web site. For example, think about creating company pages on Facebook, Linkedin, Google+, Twitter, etc and incorporate links to your own web site. Posting interesting articles on social networks generates interest and you can create likes and followers too. Think about your target market and what they would read on the internet. Links from these web sites to your own would also help. The more the better.

Hope this helps.


- robert m - 04-18-2014 02:58 PM

Identify if there's anything interesting or unusual, or an exceptional collector or collection you could get news traction and media attention with.