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How to clean cookies on windows 8? - Printable Version

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How to clean cookies on windows 8? - Lacey - 04-18-2014 04:31 PM

My computer is running seriously slow and I think what I really need to do is clean the cookies, but I have no idea how to on Windows 8. And surprisingly, there's next to nothing helpful on the internet about how to do it. Can anyone please EXPLAIN to me how to?? Thanks you SO much in advance!!

- Dominic - 04-18-2014 04:44 PM

Ctrl + Shift + Delete will let your clear the history on any web browser. However, that will not solve the problem.

Visit Programs and Features (Windows key + R, type appwiz.cpl, press Enter) then uninstall any programs you don't need. Get rid of any uneeded add-ons (Windows key + R, type inetcpl.cpl, press Enter). Click the Programs tab then click Manage add-ons. Disable any toolbars or extensions you don't need.

Open Task Manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) then click More details, then click the Startup tab. Disable anything you don't need to start when the computer starts.

Might also want to try a clean boot to see if it helps.

- Dominic