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How do i view all Facebook Pages i have liked? - Printable Version

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How do i view all Facebook Pages i have liked? - Splicer - 10-15-2012 08:58 PM

You know those external websites that have lists of funny sentences/phrases you can like, then show up on your home page. Is there a way to browse all those pages like browsing actual facebook pages.

Also why did these external sites start popping up?
I know how to view Facebook pages i have liked via profile, im talking about external likes, such as those found on

- Kay - 10-15-2012 09:07 PM

go to info and go down botton there are some page that you have liked that are under activities and rest are at the bottom where it says show other pages and should pop up another window and show you list you the pages that you liked or
there is another way go where you go for friends list and on the left hand column it will say pages under friends click on that and you will see all the pages you have liked

External sites shouldnt be popping up on facebook, the only thing should be popping up is if you are doing the first thing when you click on other pages...

- Boo! - 10-15-2012 09:07 PM

Its really straightforward to find:
1) Go to your profile page.
2) Scroll down the page a bit and underneath your friends list it says 'Likes'. Underneath that underlined in small writing it shows the number of things you've 'liked' for e.g. mine says '1289' click it and then you can scroll through your 'likes'.
Hope this helps :') x