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Did internet lingo evlove into a new language? - Printable Version

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Did internet lingo evlove into a new language? - king patato - 04-18-2014 07:45 PM

I was trying to read the comments on this picture in the link below...

Until I realized most of them just looked like a bunch of scrambled letters. I felt like I had a better chance decoding ancient Sanskrit. I've known the basics like "lol" and "ttyl" and stuff for years- but IDHFJDFBD? Huh? I assume most of these commenters are younger than me, and I really feel like I've stumbled onto a new language or code. Are they really saying stuff or is this just gibberish?

- BeanDip - 04-18-2014 07:57 PM

Uhm according to the almighty based bean dip, that occurred approximately twenty four hours ago when the based bean dip was born. He was eaten for your sins. thank you based bean dip.