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what went WRONG?- reconnected with h.s friend.? - Printable Version

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what went WRONG?- reconnected with h.s friend.? - happy2day-sMiLe4mE! - 10-15-2012 08:58 PM

Hello. I am 28 and he too will soon be.
We have always had each other on our 'facebook' pages but never really spoken.
Well, a couple of weeks ago he sent me a msg asking me if id go to our reunion.I did and we saw each other and we hugged and spoke for a while.
We had since then been sharing texts and seen each other a couple of times.
This past friday though he joined me for my brothers bday, we went out to a bar. 'i' had fun, and i assumed he did as well. At the end of the night we kissed, (for the first time) they were short kisses but good ones, we didnt tongue each other down but they were nice. After the kiss he says 'i waited 13 years for that kiss'.. and i kinda laughed and said 'u did not'.. he then pulled me back 2x for another kiss. I then went inside.
this was friday night, saturday morning i sent him the first text and we both text back and forth throughout the day, saturday night i call him but he responded that he was driving and that he would call me shortly. He did, when he did i was at a family get together and he mentioned that he was going out with a couple of guy friends.. we ended the convo with 'cool, have fun'. he then said 'ill call you later'.
NO TEXT.. no call. NOTHING.
and yet i cant stop thinking about him and it is a ugly feeling.
so, i dont know what to think.. did i do something wrong? was i coming on too strong to him?
Yes, from the first night we reconnected he said things like 'you know i always thought you were beautiful and just never thought you paid me any attention and just etc etc etc.. That sort of thing ppl always say to others when they reconnect with someone from h.s
But i do like him.. i just dont date much,.. so i dont know if i came off as 'desperate, lonely, clingy or what...
But for him to not call or text and 2 days have passed when b4 we were speaking every day leads me to think something turned him off.
idk what it was.
what do YOU think?

Thanks in advance.

- Matthew - 10-15-2012 09:07 PM

Maybe he is still out round their houses without phone battery

- talldress354 - 10-15-2012 09:07 PM

(You) did nothing wrong
just give it some time... even tho he said he would call (which he shouldn't have told you) then to not do so.. that would like leave anyone to wonder "what the heck" however
i don't think that he thought of you as being clingy or desperate i think you both like each other
and there was a connection there...
maybe he just has a busy life and the night he went out he might have got super duper drunk lol and didn't wanna be a slob while talking to you so he wanted to get himself together as a respectable man
& feel better from a hangover or w.e....i could be wrong tho.
all in all just give it some time i see no harm in texting him and asking is he ok!