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Best programming language to have a simple web app developed in? - Printable Version

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Best programming language to have a simple web app developed in? - Steve - 04-19-2014 12:06 AM

I'm contemplating having a simple program developed that can be run from a website, that will allow a user to upload/import a text file and turn each paragraph/haiku into drag and drop elements that when clicked is copied to the clipboard that can be pasted into a text message, FB message, or Twitter feed, possibly automatically adding a hashtag for a Twitter feed. The web app might be accessed via a Mac or Windows laptop or iPad or Android tablet.

What programming language should I look for this to be developed in most cost effectively? Thanks on advance!

- Brett - 04-19-2014 12:08 AM

I think PHP is a good option to develop a simple web aap. PHP is easy to learn...

- Nikhil Sharma - 04-19-2014 12:22 AM

i am a web designer and i can help you if you are instrested mail me on

- Cherry imelda - 04-19-2014 12:29 AM

You can go for either PHP or C++. A lot of web developers these days are using PHP because it's free, easy to learn, and can be handled by most web servers. C++ on the other hand, is more lightweight, also easy to learn, and very low maintenance. You can contact professional developers from should you need help with coding. Remember that both languages have their own pros and cons; but deliver terrific results if done right.