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How To Get More Twitter Followers? - Printable Version

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How To Get More Twitter Followers? - Shuggie Matacelli - 10-01-2012 02:01 AM

So me and my friend created a Team Page on twitter, @KangaRoo_Ent ( Shuggie & ChuuChii ) . We share this page, and we post alot of things about San Diego, because we're from there. So i was wondering how to get more twitter followers? Are there any techniques i can try to get more twitter followers? We talk about Diego alot, and focus on the Top Trending Topics.
I just made our page last night Smile

- El - 10-01-2012 02:09 AM


- realistc1 - 10-01-2012 02:09 AM

If you both have FB, you can definitely convert most of ur friends from there, just by simply adding ur Twitter username at the end of every status u post. Ex. Follow me on Twitter @username & don't forget to write: #teamfollowback. U can also randomly follow ppl from ur area & they'll usually follow back.

U can also get ur friends to mention u in their tweets. Ex: Pandora Flow....hey go follow my boys @username. If all else fails, just randomly follow a lot of ppl & eventually you get ur follower numbers up! But advertising ur username is KEY! GoodLuck

- Mike - 10-01-2012 02:09 AM

Well getting more twitter followers isn't easy. It's actually harder than getting youtube views in some ways.

You have to:
1. Post interesting content every day
2. Follow trends properly
3. Link your networking accounts
4. Find your niche

Here's an article on it that should give you some good ideas:

- Mary - 10-01-2012 02:09 AM

I have here some tips for you to follow to get lots of followers on Twitter.

- Follow people that have same interests as you.
- Be friendly, retweet, reply @mentions, or favorite their tweets.
- use #hashtags that are popular..
- Post interesting, funny and original tweets
- all is about communication and connecting people

If you follow the steps, you'll surely get lots of followers Smile

- Kendra - 10-01-2012 02:09 AM

I followed your Twitter account. Smile

Anyway, here are my suggestions for you to get a lot of followers:

- Follow people that you think will be interested with your tweets.
- Direct Message or @Mention them when they follow back to feel welcomed.
- Post tweets regularly
- Tweet some interesting tweets, funny, and some quotes that are inspirations and motivational.
- Be involved with the #Trending topics on Twitter to get noticed with trending people on Twitter Big Grin
- Buy "REAL" twitter followers for instant thousands of followers and increase your visibility online.

If you follow all the tips then I'm sure you'll get a better result Wink