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What is the data ratio of SD to HD? - Printable Version

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What is the data ratio of SD to HD? - roximunro - 04-19-2014 01:07 AM

Trying to convince my father and stepmom to skip HD for online tv and movies and just use SD because they'll hit the roof if they see their internet bill after a month of HD.

What is the SD:HD data ratio is SD is 1? How much more data with HD be watching TV episode X compared to watching the very same episode in SD?

- Ryu - 04-19-2014 01:16 AM

Well, an hour of SD streaming is roughly 0.3GB of data.

An hour of HD streaming is about 1.3 GB of data

So roughly 4:1 ratio.

But unless your internet plan is complete garbage, it's hard to reach your monthly limit.

I have a 250GB/mo limit on my internet plan. my brother and I constantly watch Netflix at the "best" quality

And we've yet to reach even half of our monthly cap.

- Insane_mad_maniak - 04-19-2014 01:31 AM

whey not just go with an 'unlimited' internet package?

it's hard to determin the amount of data that you will be consuming on SD and HD, typically a 30 minute video at 480p (standard def) will be about 200-400mb, a High definition video (720p) will be about 600-700mb and a 1080p video will be about 900mb-1.3GB or sometimes more, depending on audio quality and overall video quality.