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IS THIS GUY INTERESTED? OR AM I OVER THINKING? - skatefast - 04-19-2014 07:00 AM

So class started and I noticed that this guy always sits behind me. I am pretty sure he has a friend in the class that I see him talk to, but he never sits with him, but always behind me. Like for the first couple of days he didn't sit behind me because I sit up front. But after a few classes, he would sit behind me all the time, like even when there are plenty of other seats in class.

Is he like interested or what? sometimes i get a feeling he sits super close...I mean i asked him question about studying for the test, and he seemed pretty nice about it. I never really made direct eye contact because I dont wanna come off looking desperate. Also he always looks down at this phone a lot. He never starts a conversation with me though.

Am I over thinking that he is interested? I tend to over think a lot. Please help me out, thanks! Maybe he just cant see which is why he sits up front lol...Advice would help!


- IAMME - 04-19-2014 07:15 AM

I'd say you're overthinking it at present. That's not enough info to determine whether he does or doesn't

- Johnny - 04-19-2014 07:26 AM

To be honest, i think it would be better to just become his friend first. Talk to him alot,etc. Then find out if he is interested.

- Katherine - 04-19-2014 07:34 AM

Move around that class room to different places on completely different sides of the room and if he still follows you confront him!!! Ask him, is it just me or do you always sit behind me?
if you don't have the guts (which i wouldn't) maybe try and make eye contact see what happens?! You wouldn't want to miss out on true love now would you?
Also you never mentioned if you were into him! are you? because this could be something i you are!
Experiment, its only one guy and if it doesn't go well then what the hey! at least he will stop sitting next to you!
Good luck funny Smile

- I Dont Think So - 04-19-2014 07:47 AM

Try to become his friend try and start small talk idk if your too shy try some other way facebook first if your shy face to face? Or actually if you guys ever get into a group for something use that as an excuse to get his contact info like email or if you're bold phone number