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Why do completely random blogs follow you on tumblr? - Printable Version

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Why do completely random blogs follow you on tumblr? - Fiona - 04-19-2014 07:51 AM

It looks as though they have accidentally followed me somehow because their blog is literally NOTHING to do with anything I post, like a porn blog, or a new blog with nothing on it, it just seems weird? Also my blog has some not so nice stuff on it so I don't get why unrelated blogs would follow me?

- Skyla Tasch - 04-19-2014 08:04 AM

Because you have a follow button, therefore *anybody* can follow you. Lol. Obviously people with porn blogs, and new blogs that have nothing to do with anything are interested in you. Either that, or they're just following you for the heck of it cause their bored and like pressing the follow button. Lmao.

- Molly - 04-19-2014 08:10 AM

Same as any other social networking site besides something like a personal account on Facebook they want you to follow them back (follow for follow) otherwise they are secretly addicted to porn?

- Andrew - 04-19-2014 08:26 AM lol