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How can I tell if I have the moneypak virus? - Printable Version

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How can I tell if I have the moneypak virus? - One Truth - 04-19-2014 12:57 PM

During a search a few porn sites were included on the list, curiously I clicked on one for mature porn ( a search of my internet use should show that ), suddenly a pop up appeared as an fbi warning that had multiple things listed, from pirating material to illegal porn, I was unable to "X" out anything, I had to shut down my computer to get the warning off my monitor, I've been searching the internet to figure out if this was a real warning or not (did I click on something that was illegal ? under a mature porn title), I do not recall seeing anything asking for money, but this has left me perplexed on whether it is a virus or a legitimate warning.
thanks some guy, it seems very cumbersome to search for these things.

for those who have had this virus,
when I lost control of my computer I disconnected the internet cable and did an emergency shutdown, everything restarted normally, could I have stopped the virus from loading or is it likely infected and waiting to spring up again
The link provided allowed me to scan for threats, it yielded two threats, using registry editor it did not allow me to delete the entry identified as a threat, I eventually deleted the whole category which in turn seems to have taken the registry threat with it, a rescan did not identify any threats, so i assume it was removed, strange my microsoft antivirus did not pick up any threats, nor did the super antispyware, spyhunter located the threats on the first scan.

- some guy - 04-19-2014 01:06 PM

I found this website that deals with how you can remove this virus from your PC. Be prepared to get your hands dirty and do some digging into your computer. Good luck.