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how do you let go of old friends and stop talking to them forever? - Printable Version

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how do you let go of old friends and stop talking to them forever? - luminous - 04-19-2014 01:11 PM

- Mei - 04-19-2014 01:15 PM

it depends if you want to do it nicely or just you hate them and don't care.
a nice way you can do it is by avoiding , yeah its blunt but it is better than saying " screw you i never want to see you again."
and a rude way is by telling them " your annoying leave me alone. dont talk to me. thanks bye"

- SFE - 04-19-2014 01:18 PM

- avoid hanging out with or seeing them, tell them to leave you alone (only once)
(if you can't avoid seeing them on a regular basis, just stay away from them/ignore them.
if you have mutual friends with these people, inform the mutual friends that you do not want to hangout with your 'ex-friends' but if the mutual friends still want to see you without the ex-friends around that is okay!)
- delete their contact information
(remove e-mail contacts from any of your e-mail/messenger accounts, erase phone numbers/addresses from address books/cell phones etc)
- remove them from any social media
(facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, yahoo, youtube etc) DELETE AND BLOCK
- if they attempt to contact you either ignore them or reply ONCE saying you do not wish to have any further contact/communication/relationship with them
- go out and meet new people, make new friends
(social networks, school/work, join sports team, join a community group, try new activities or hobbies etc)
- live your own life
(focus on you, your desires/needs, your goals etc)
- spend time with family

Avoid any contact with them, do not even look at their profiles online.
Distract yourself with other people, activities etc.
Make new/better friends.
Focus on YOU, find new hobbies/interests.

- Sada - 04-19-2014 01:23 PM

Fade away
Slowly but surely start declining invitations to anything go to maybe one meeting a month and say you are too tired, too skint or too busy don't have super online or texting conversations with them either just keep it short and sweet after about three months you should just be able to go about your normal life without too much bother and always be vague and non commital if they continue to invite you out