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How do I deal with overprotective parents? - Printable Version

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How do I deal with overprotective parents? - Kit - 04-19-2014 01:54 PM

My mom is immensely overprotective. High school is a time of new explorations, of forging bonds with new people and experimenting with different activities. Me? I'm stuck at home, studying on Friday nights while everyone else is going to the movies, hanging out, etc. I understand that she loves me and only wishes for me to succeed in school, but here methods are rather extreme.

I have a 5.0 unweighted gpa. Ballet as an extracurricular. Piano as a hobby. I am basically fulfilling her dream for an ideal child. I don't talk back. I don't even ask for clothes, makeup, or electronics, yet she still keeps me on a leash:

-No iPhone, because I could be distracted from schoolwork (I understand)
-No boyfriend (I understand)
-No Facebook, twitter, etc. because there are creepers even on privacy (I understand)
-No texting boys, because they're...boys (Okay..)
-No talking to boys, because they're boys (Sure..)
-No hanging out with boys because you will get pregnant (HAHAHA)
-No hanging out at anyone's house because you will get kidnapped (I understand)
-No going to the mall/movies/anywhere with friends because you will get kidnapped (I understand, but I don't like it)
-No sleepovers (I understand)
-No makeup because boys (I understand)
-No skirts/dresses/cute clothing at school because boys (I understand relatively)
-One time, a guy texted me and my mom freaked out for a month.
-When some boys gave me balloons for valentine's day, I had to give them all away before my mom found out
-When some boy asked me out to formal, I had to decline because 1) BOY 2) STAYING OUT
-When some friends gave me balloons/flowers for my birthday, I had to throw them away before my mom found out
-One time, she told my aunt that she doesn't allow me to have friends. And she was proud of it.
-She freaked out for 3 months when we started partnering in dance. Luckily for her, all of the guys are gay.

I literally changed all of the guys' names on my phone to girl names so if my mom looked into my phone, no guys' names will show up.

Even the socially awkward kids are going to prom/formal. I can't even go with my friends, let alone with a boy! But I took that with good heart.



Because she was afraid some kid would dare me to do something dangerous like heaven forbid, GO ON A ROLLER COASTER. AT DISNEY.

I'm lucky she lets me wear skinny jeans and hollister in high school because heaven forbid, they show my figure. (Not much to see anyway)

I really want to go to the field trip. How do I tell her this?
@NiggaNintendoNerd Haha no, that would make me pregnant

- Get a Nose Job - 04-19-2014 02:07 PM

Damn your mom sounds like a pain in the ass just run away. Seriously. About Disney, write a 10 pg essay/make a slideshow about all the reasons u should go, like how its a great experience, safe, u won't do anything dangerous like go on any rollercoasters (u still can, shes just not gonna be there so wut she don't know wont hurt her), and be sure to add that you're very responsible and respectful by always doing wut she says so it's just a small thing ur asking of her. Also say ur smart u know wut not to do and wut to do in certain situations

- NiggaNintendoNerd - 04-19-2014 02:14 PM

Can I text you? Then can I be your virtual boyfriend? Then you should tell your mother so that she freaks out. You should practice talking to guys by chatting with an AI robot called Cleverbot on!

- Shane - 04-19-2014 02:21 PM

being a pharmacist rolling in the money and uscf chess expert on the side, i'd say your parents have it mixed up.

- frozen - 04-19-2014 02:23 PM

same here with the boys and clothes situations.... its because our parents are overprotective freaks. all you can do is sneak around them, like what you do when you text boys. i change their names on my phone too. if you have your own money, find a way to go shopping with your friends or when youre at the mall with your parents, go to a seperate store and buy whatever you want that youre not allowed to have. then put it in your purse or another bag and throw away the shopping bag. wear ur regular clothes to school/parties and change there. as for boys, do things with them but dont tell your parents.