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Regarding the web sites, earning, "Geting rich ONLINE" ... How do you like my idea? - Printable Version

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Regarding the web sites, earning, "Geting rich ONLINE" ... How do you like my idea? - Nikola - 04-19-2014 06:25 PM

I had about 3-4 serious websites with over 2500 unique page views per day but those were mobile views. I always thought that it simple as:
1. Make a site
2. Get visitors
3. Put ads
4. Cashout

Once it comes to mobile users I can get them as much as I want so the first three steps were not a problam for me because I am good in site making. So like I said I had serious mobile sites in past but I have never earned serious money not even with 90000 page views a mounth!

But now I wish to make a pc site, a blog site preferably. But I very well know the fact that 7days after I will not earn a single penny. So I have decided to make a blog of what I like and not to earn with it, that way I will not be under pressure of money so the thought "This is not getting me money maybe I should quit!" will not be in my head.

So I was thinking of making a blog of what I like and that is Architecture! I study for it and I am best student in my school and I know A LOT about it. But one problam persist how will I get users to see it? I can easily find mobile users which are upto downloading some games, mp3's or other content but they are most likely not in a mood to read about some architecture.
So that is biggest problam. I dont want to write in vain, I dont want no one to see it. If I spam on other people blogs I know no one will even look at my blog. They will be all like "Hahah he is spamming with architecture! HA!"
I was thinking of making a facebook page of architecture and sending traffic to my blog that way. And maybe I will put some ads after it gets popular.

So what do you think of my idea? Do you encourage me or discourageme?
Do you have any advise for me?

Also exuse me if I made any spell or gramar mistake. English is not my mother languange.

- Richard - 04-19-2014 06:35 PM

Hi Nicola, if I understand well, you are going about it the right way in creating a blog with architecture information, posts etc. What you need to do is build this site, add really good information that readers will find interesting. With a pinch of SEO, you will soon get relevant hits, this is where you need to hit the iron while it still hot. You don't need to stuff you good information with ads everywhere, join some relevant affiliates such as relevant shops selling relevant products and you can add clever links within your blog or some good reviews...find a good expert in online marketing or learn it.

3 months later...

Money is rolling inSmile