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How to have faith in God or get back in? - Printable Version

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How to have faith in God or get back in? - Diego Dion - 04-19-2014 08:01 PM

I'm 24, I'm gay and fell in love with a Christian boy from the assembly of God, have suffered he married never had anything with him, had psychological problems last year I just kept thinking about death, sleeping early, I gained 25 pounds, the religion I was more accepted Kardecism but I saw them talking that homosexuality can be spiritual obsession and I do not agree with it, then slowly I was losing iota of faith that was (if I ever had ) in God, then I talked to a person here in yahoo answer I forgot over the guy I spoke at the beginning of the question and took some repudiation by him but my heart closed to love, I do not even think about it anymore, just who after all the things I've lost faith in God, in Jesus in any religious, spiritual etc thing, I turned atheist or agnostic I do not know,

Excuse my English because I am Brazilian and I am still learning

My facebook :

- Danielle - 04-19-2014 08:13 PM

no one can change ur heart and your life but God, when God changes lives in the path of love, confusion is gone. Being gay or not does not have anything to do in how you reach God a spiritual connection is different and unique personal, no one can tell you how to live ur life. im christian

- wakingowl - 04-19-2014 08:19 PM

Get off it. You loved the wrong guy. There are plenty of fish out there. Go to work and get off the pity pot.

- kyle - 04-19-2014 08:25 PM

Please do yourself a favor and remove your Facebook by deleting the question. Right now.

- ladyren - 04-19-2014 08:34 PM

Gods are imaginary. So are the easter bunny, satan, two naked navel-less people, heaven, hell etc.

Get some counseling. There is nothing wrong with being gay. Find other gay people thru your friends, or join some clubs. Most of us wish only a nice relationship in a permanent way. Fully 10 % of any population is gay. Homosexuality even exists in animals, particularly birds. So there's nothing wrong with you... and religion won't help you much. Live your life the way that is most comfortable to you. Your life, your decisions.

- Ernest S - 04-19-2014 08:43 PM

Through repentance.

Seek God for repentance.

- Rusty Shackelford - 04-19-2014 08:47 PM

So you made a poor choice in a partner.

It's not the end of the world.

Treat it as a learning experience and next time don't try date a Jesus Freak.

- Brent Oh - 04-19-2014 08:52 PM

. . Are you poor?
. . Help other people, not yourself.
. . It is how to be free from your poor.

. . Are you hungry?
. . Make other people have some soup with your spoon.
. . It is how to be free from your hunger.

. . Are you sick?
. . Pray to God for other people, not for you.
. . It is how to be free from your sickness.

. . Who can understand the mystery of Love?
. . Who can understand the mystery of Heaven?

. . Mufillyou 705