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girlfriend looked at Facebook messages. HELP? - Printable Version

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girlfriend looked at Facebook messages. HELP? - Aaron - 04-19-2014 08:58 PM

Hey guys, I've been dating my girlfriend for over 5 months now, and things have been going awesome. We spend a lot of quality time together and have grown together closely. A few hours ago, she came by my house when I was at work, since she really missed me. I come home to see that she's acting strange and wants me to sit down so that she can talk with me. She started telling me that she read my Facebook messages on my computer.. Here's the thing. I've been talking with other girls sexually, saying that I was single and wanted to have sex with them, etc. However, I have never cheated and only did that to get attention from them.

My girlfriend has a lot of guy friends and I get insecure. I just wanted attention from other girls but I never had thought of cheating on her. She just left a couple hours ago, in pain, anger, and in tears. I really don't know what to do at this point and realize how much pain I have brought to her.

I really want to make things right again and show her that I can be trusted. I do not want to break up with me because I really like her and care about her. What should I do? Should I wait until she contacts me? What can I do or say to make things right? I'm at such a loss right now and realize I have brought so much pain to my girlfriend. She just texted saying she wants to break up.

- Crystal♥ - 04-19-2014 09:09 PM

Show her this message and make sure she knows your true intentions if u were my bf and you showed me this I would still have trust issues a lil but I wouldn't break up with you.fix your relationship and never do that again.

- Danielle - 04-19-2014 09:15 PM

That was a bad choice I'd be pissed to and don't blame her, her guy friends are just friends right? We'll you saying your single and all is wrong

- James Blackley - 04-19-2014 09:21 PM

You say you didn't cheat on her yet the on the other hand you also realize the pain you have caused her... which is it? It's either you did cheat and you realize what a bad decision you made OR you believe you weren't in the wrong and you don't care you hurt her.... you need to figure out which one it is because your spewing off walking contradicitions here.

You did cheat though, asking other women for sex while in a relationship IS cheating and I don't care how much you want to justify it, there is no excuse for your disgusting actions. It's funny your so butt hurt over her merely being friends with other guys yet in your mind its ok for you to cheat with other girls? Talk about a huge double standard.

If you were having issues with your gf due to feeling insecure about her friends or feeling she didn't give you attention then you should have discussed this with her instead of cheating to stroke your own ego and causing a whole lot of damage along the way.

There isn't much you can do, the trust she had in you was shattered and now she wants to break up with you (which is well within her rights to do so) You didn't want this to happen? Maybe you should have thought about how YOUR actions would impact your girlfriend, but no you didn't because deep down your a narcissist who is only out for himself and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as his desires get met.

- Wendy - 04-19-2014 09:25 PM

You have blown it you idiot!!! And for future info, what you did was being mentally unfaithful which can be as bad as the real thing. Hopefully she will realise she is better off without you and you will know better for next time

- Lamont - 04-19-2014 09:30 PM

Damn. That other answerer (James) is cold. Look, I understand where you are coming from bro. And this might be something you do in other relationships as well but hopefully, you'll come to control it one day. It is an insecurity thing. You like the attention from other females and the way they react to it. The more into you they become, the better you feel, BUT you would NEVER take that final step into actually physically cheating. It's more like to satisfy your want for female attention, right?

I get it man, so don't worry, you're not the only one who does this. The problem is that with doing that kind of stuff, you greatly risk hurting your gf. This isn't something that she will understand (and the younger you are, the less understanding she'll be). It's kind of like trying to explain to a girlfriend that hates porn, why you watch it. Damn near impossible for her to see the urges that you have, which has NOTHING to do with her or the relationship.

The best thing you can do is apologize, tell her you love her, and that you'll stop. Explain your insecurity to her and let her know that it has nothing to do with her.

If it helps, I did the same thing bro. I grew up believing I was ugly to everyone. I had a gf who treated me like crap, we broke up, and I found something better. Yet, I kept speaking to other girls because it just made me feel better about myself...more confident on those days where I felt very ugly. But eventually, my gf found out, I explained to her, and luckily she understood. I promised not to do it again and I never did because any time I thought about doing it, I remembered how hurt she was, and she just wasn't worth losing.

If your gf can't forgive you for this, you may have to just cut your losses, because she has every right to be upset. Learn to be happy with yourself and if those urges come up while you have a gf, remember to put her feelings in front of yours.