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how do I get a zayn follow on twitter? - Printable Version

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how do I get a zayn follow on twitter? - Alyssa - 04-20-2014 02:18 AM

I love him so much and I want one more than anything in the world! Sometimes people tweet him ONE word and they get a follow, but when I do it, nothing. When he does follow sprees, I tweet him hundreds of times and i follow and unfollow him repeatedly but it seems that whatever i do, he doesn't notice me. Please help me Sad

- Patty Schmidt - 04-20-2014 02:33 AM

He has so many wonderful followers, and its very hard to get around to everyones tweets. Theres honestly nothing you can do but keep tweeting him and hope one day as hes scrolling through he notices you! Sometimes the more popular your blog is the more you get noticed but theres a billion people tweeting him a day its all luck