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Does anyone see a problem with the indefinite detainment of Brandon Raub? - Printable Version

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- Zaza - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM

Most people don't even know who he is because the Obama protectionist media has not covered this story.

Yes, I have a problem with this.

- Chewy Ivan 2 - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM

No, I don't. I'd rather not see another Wade Page style rampage. One of the core responsibilities of our government is to protect public safety, after all.

Criticizing the government is one thing. Talking about sharpening axes and severing heads, though, is quite another.

- Chi Chan - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM


In fact, I deleted my FB page yesterday because of it and I've been spreading the news of his plight as far and wide as I can!

Chewy Ivan have you never heard of rhetoric?

His comment on sharpening axes can be put in the same category as "kicking @ss and taking names".

This is Orwellian BS, thought police! He is protected by the 1st amendment! Other than some anti-gov comments on Facebook, he's done NOTHING! Where's his stock pile of weapons? Where's his well laid out plans of attack?

He simply questions the status quo, and he's being punished for it. You CANNOT put someone in a psych ward against their will when they've done nothing wrong! A freaking anylist said that he sees posts far worse than that on a daily basis from "Libertarian" type people, why is THIS guy being targeted? Because he questioned the official story of 9/11?!

Start THINKING you fool! What they did is a civil, legal and rights issue! I hope his legal team sues the ever loving sh!t out of them!

- Obusha - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM

Chewy and all the libs were absolutley CATERWAULING about Gitmo for foreigners... But it's okay for our own citizens.

"those who chose security at the expense of liberty will get neither" - Benjamin Franklin.

- Norm - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM

The Manual for Courts-Martial states that no person subject to the Code can be placed under any type of pre-trial restraint unless a commander has a reasonable belief that: (a) an offense triable by court-martial has been committed, (b) the accused committed it, and © restraint is necessary under the circumstances.

Let's go a little further: An accused cannot remain in pre-trial confinement for more than 48 hours unless all the elements above are met AND the commander finds that confinement is necessary because there is a reasonable belief that (a) the accused will not appear for trial and/or will commit further serious offenses under the Code, and (b) lesser forms of pretrial restraint are not adequate under the circumstances.

From what little I can find on the Brandon Raub story, the first element has not been met. He cannot be charged with contempt toward officials (Article 88, Uniform Code of Military Justice) because he's not a commissioned officer. He cannot be charged with provoking speeches or gestures (Article 117, Uniform Code of Military Justice) because his comments on Facebook do not meet the legal definition of provoking speeches or gestures. He cannot be charged under the general article (Article 134, Uniform Code of Military Justice) unless it can be shown that his comments were prejudicial to good order and discipline or of a nature to bring discredit upon the Armed Forces -- personal Facebook page, say goodbye to any tangible link to the military.

The third element is very subjective, but again, there is no evidence to show that Raub may desert or may commit further serious misconduct. Heck, you can't even call his original "misconduct" for which he is being indefinitely held SERIOUS!

It appears the powers that be in the Marine Corps (possibly under pressure from The White House and/or Capitol Hill) are doing an end-run around the due process of law guaranteed to all members of the U.S. Armed Forces by claiming Raub has some kind of mental problem that makes him a danger to himself and/or others -- and at this point have not shown just cause. If there is something else going on here that shows substantively that Raub IS a danger to himself and/or others, why hasn't the Commandant of the Marine Corps publicly disclosed that information?

Just one more reason I'm glad I pulled the plug and retired early...

- William - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM

Yea i got a prob with it.

- x - 10-15-2012 09:08 PM

No it's perfectly fine, perfectly fine!