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how can i advertise our company in some social site? - Printable Version

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how can i advertise our company in some social site? - Thet - 04-20-2014 08:23 AM

- Open Sauce - 04-20-2014 08:28 AM

Try google adwords.​vwDyAEBqgQcT9Dq_wcC0vfpGNKQn5lSxj-1PMF4uZ1MYDCwCIAFkE6AB-P_qQM%26sig%3DAOD64_09h-pPqv_-Nt3j03WMWDBSOfQAVA%26rct%3Dj%26q%3Dadwords%26ved%3D0CDMQ0Qw%26adurl%3Dhttp%3A%2F​

- MEM - 04-20-2014 08:38 AM

It depends on your budget. Beware of guaranteed traffic programs. Lots of companies cliam to be seo experts but are not. If talking with a company make sure they use analytics to track your campaign and not just a hit counter. Companies who usually just use hit counters do so because they are giving you worthless advertising and have no desire to manage your account and see what works and doesn't work. PME Online Solutions is great Your first reply mentioned adwords and while that works for some it failed me greatly. I was getting hits form the ads but I was paying a ton of money and noticed that all the hits coming were from google bots!!!! A robot is not the type of customer I am looking for. lol Call PME they can help you.

- Jack - 04-20-2014 08:42 AM

create a fan page and group at Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.