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What cheap online business can i make? - Printable Version

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What cheap online business can i make? - Johna - 04-20-2014 10:15 AM

I want to make a website online where i can sell stuff but i don't know what to sell. Any ideas?

Thank you

Best answer will receive points

- Soren - 04-20-2014 10:25 AM

Always do something you are interested in when it comes to selling, as you will need to know what the items are and how they function.If a customer asks a question you will need the answer if you do not know then you will likely lose a sale.

Research what you want to sell no point in having a product nobody wants.

For an example if you were a website whizz you could sell website design or hosting or something like that if you were into fishing sell fishing gear etc etc

- Jo W - 04-20-2014 10:37 AM


- George Buchan - 04-20-2014 10:54 AM

If you want to get into online selling through your own website there is no way you can get a site that really works cheaply.
However in my business which does not require a huge initial outlay I not only get my own personal website maintained and updated by the company but I get an international online shop which operates in 23 countries in 14 languages as well.
This allows me to gain customers easily as the products and services we supply are used by everybody every day which gives me an almost guaranteed income.
To give you an idea of how this works I will give you the online addresses of both the website and online shop so that you can see the sort of quality that online shops and websites require.

- Social - 04-20-2014 10:58 AM

blogging or affiliate marketing. the biggest money is in ecommerce though