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Sky internet so BAD!!!? - Printable Version

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Sky internet so BAD!!!? - Wesley - 04-20-2014 01:39 PM

Hi I got Sky Internet a long time ago and when I realised everyone elses connection was MUCH better i realised me and my parents got ripped off! I got the deal "Sky Broadband Unlimited-Unlimited monthly usage,Up to 20Mb download speeds" and I put the picture and thats nothing what it says!!!!
I just tried the test again and got 5 MBPS MAX!!!!!!
I have wireless connection!

- Bottled Water - 04-20-2014 01:55 PM

Do you have wireless internet or is there a cable running to connect to your internet to your computer? If you have a wireless one, do you know how to change your wireless channel on your router? If you do try that and you'll probably see an increase. If you are wired and connected with those speed results, then you my friend have a problem.
The problem could be the "unlimited" had really said "Unlimited*" then you look at the * and read the very small fine print to see they slow down your internet if you use it too much.

//edit 1

ok you said you have a wireless one. you can look up your router's name and model #. Then there should be a manual online showing you how to change your wireless channel. Once you do that, try speed test again to see if it increased. You may have to try each channel, then run speed test, then do that for every wireless channel. Whichever one gives you the highest speed, that is the one to stay on/save on.
or just write your router's name and model here and I can look it up if you can't find anything.

- Boss - 04-20-2014 02:05 PM

Get fibre.

- Ben - 04-20-2014 02:10 PM

things which may help improve your connection....
1. Use a direct Wired connection - this will test to ensure its not a wireless adapter issue on the hub or your hardware
2. Disconnect Wireless devices you dont use - to avoid cross traffic
3. Change your wireless channel if you live in a busy area of other wireless hubs - to prevent interference

It is all unlimited but upto means they dont have to gurantee you 20mb and sometimes they cant due to the high amount of people plugged into your local exchange, your distance from the exchange, and the wiring into your home from the exchange and nearest green box.

All of this maintannace comes down to BT Openreach. however since it is Sky you have contract with its them you need to complain to and they will get Open Reach to fix it. I lived in a rural area and got 800mbps and moving into a town i get 22mbps on their upto 16mbps.

I know its a pain but this speed may not improve if you moved to another company. If you took out a fibre package the speed would dramatically increase. Virgin Media provide this without the line rental price.

check out - and provide these results to Sky if you complain. monitor it over different periods over 24 hours as their are peak and off peak times at the exchange.

sky do provide a wireless booster they were offering free of charge to all broadband customers last month. perhaps ask for one of these Smile

Best of luck and i know the frustration of having slow broadband. Especially playing to play xbox live i was going mad! hopefully Bt will roll this fibre out by next year and we shouldn't have to worry as much Smile