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Best ways to sell Avon without a car? - Printable Version

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Best ways to sell Avon without a car? - LadyB - 04-20-2014 07:43 PM

I'm starting to sell Avon, I have my brochures and everything. Only problem is that I don't have a car, I'm a mom and I have one on the way. I'm doing this to save up for a car and more. I need help on how to get customers, collect orders and payments at the same time as well as delivering my orders. I would like advice and suggestions from current representatives please!!!

- Jake - 04-20-2014 07:49 PM

When Avon was first created, selling door to door was routine, hence the slogan "Avon Calling" I don't think the success rates are very good, you have even more obstacles to deal with.

There are many thousands of reps with free eweb site page from Avon, they might be pretty useless as advertising devices.
You could create a Health and Beauty sort of blog/review/tips site, like Google's Blogger, with quality original articles it could eventually get some search engine traffic, you might include Avon "sponsor" information as a small part of the overall publication in order to get more viewers by being more helpful and less commercial.
A custom web site domain name shows more professionalism (instead if the free subdomain you otherwise get) There's a Godaddy coupon code that gets you a name for $1.99 dor the fist year cjcRMN199

Try a Google search for, inurl:beauty

- Lacreta Doty - 04-20-2014 08:04 PM

Use Social Networking - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Also there are so many reps selling Mary offense. This company is a little outdated with their products. If you aren't having luck, definitely don't max out your card. Want to sell makeup that is flying off the shelves and can't be kept in stock?? Check out Younique, still fairly new company and the growth from month to month has been tremendous! Interested in getting wholesale, retail or joining my team?