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How to become a blogger? - Printable Version

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How to become a blogger? - Ron - 04-20-2014 09:04 PM

- Kamrul - 04-20-2014 09:05 PM

There are basically 2 ways that you can start blogging. You can either use a free blogging platform or you can use a paid one. Let me just at first talk about the free blogging platform. In this category you can use, and etc. I prefer the site because this site is owned by Google, and for that reason you can find visitors here more easily. For the sake of space constraint I am not going to explain Anyway, when you will go to you have to open an account at first and in order to open an account its better to have a Google Emal account beforehand so that you will find it easier to start at

Now before you go to, you have to do some homework, such as, you have ask yourself questions like : what are the main reason to do a Blog, whether it is your personal reason or to make a business out of it. But you may be in a open mind state at that time, that's no problem, you may decide it later. But it will be better for you to write if you decide at the beginning what are the subject matter that you will be writing about or in other words what you will be blogging about. The software at the is so easy to use that in a little while you will be able to figure out everything all by yourself. Nobody guided me to start blogging in, I all started myself, just by reading their their stuff at the site.

OK, after you got your niche(s) fix up you may go in their at the and start checking out their. You then name your Blog, and start writing. For some advance stuff, such as inserting images and videos you may do a search in You tube and find videos regarding your wants.

Now let me through some light about the paid blogging platform. By paid platform, i meant that you have to buy your Domain at first, then you have buy your Hosting Account and then you can start blogging by installing WordPress in your Hosting account. According to me Wordpress is the best Software you can use as for your blogging software/platform. These are the main software that you need when you want to use the paid blogging platform :

Other than your own domain and hosting account you will be nedding the following softwares and fortunately all those are free :

1. FTP software, such as FileZilla. You can Google search and you can You Tube search for : How to upload files using FileZilla.

2. Kompozer, as for your HTML software. Like to mention here that you do not need to have knowledge about HTML. The software/Kompozer will automatically turn everything that you write in English into HTML/source code.

3. You have to Google search and You tube search on : How to Install Wordpress in your Site. Actually you can either use your Hosting Account's Cpanel to Upload Wordpress or you can use your FileZilla software to upload Wordpress. For the latter case, that is for the case when you want to use FileZilla for upload Wordpress, you will have to at first download the entire Wordpress to your computer. And then you have to upload it to your site/hosting account using your FileZilla software. But i think its better to use the automatic system, which is to use your Cpanel. Again, you can Google this : How to use cpanel to upload Wordpress to your site. You will find lots of answers from this query. Then again, you can make a search in You tube also.

Once you have completed installing your Wordpress into your site, you can start blogging. But before you start doing the actual blogging and writing and making posts and pages, and installing audios, images and videos and all those stuffs, you have to do some homework in your Wordpress site. Things like fixing your Permalinks, installing some basic plugins, and installing your themes ( Themes that you would like and that fits to your niche and things like that.)

Then you have to optimize your blog so that search engine will find your blog and rank it. That the second part of your venture. You do not want to do all the things at one time, then you will be overwhelmed.

The final part would be off-page optimization.

Let me just stress you here that before everything else you have to think and find out what will be your subject matter and in order to pass that step successfully, you have to do some keyword research.

- Gina - 04-20-2014 09:06 PM

To become good blogger, you need to register on, & posting article on all these blogger website regularly and share it to social media website i.e Facebook,google plus.twitter etc.

- WealthyChange - 04-20-2014 09:13 PM

Becoming a blogger may seem easy, especially if you like to write about stuff, or if you like to share your thoughts and ideas to the world. But then, some start a blog in order to earn some money. Whatever your reason is for wanting to become a blogger, it is basic to know how and where you can set up your site. Afterwards, you can start on creating quality content so that your blog/website will attract visitors who will stay.