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Problems with Facebook - links don't work, can't do most stuff? - Printable Version

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Problems with Facebook - links don't work, can't do most stuff? - Kayla E - 04-20-2014 10:22 PM

Recently I started having a lot of problems with Facebook. I can't tag or untag photos (and whenever I hover over someone else's tags, the box on the photo doesn't appear), I can't post on walls, can't update my wall, can't post comments to photos, etc. I have no idea why, it's just that whenever I try and press the button to send/continue/whatever, nothing happens. I googled it and it seems like other people have the same problem, but I can't seem to find a solution. Any ideas?

Also, I have this on and off problem in which I can't open Facebook links unless I open them in a new window/tab. Any idea for that one, as well?


By the way - I use Firefox 3.0.3, but it gave me the same issue in IE. If it matters, I use Windows XP.

- broknspyrl - 04-20-2014 10:31 PM

Hiya, try looking at your javascript settings, i had a similar problem and it was that for some reason jscript had been turned off.
hope this helps

- Jamie P - 04-20-2014 10:36 PM


- Frustrated FB User - 04-20-2014 10:45 PM

I'm having the same problem -- most links don't actually link to anything (Comment, Post buttons, etc. Hovering over them shows no URL.) Also the Applications bar on the bottom shows no applications and although I can see how many friends I have online to chat with I can't click anything on the bar to show me who's online or to change my online status. In my Live Feed only the most recent 15 actions are displayed and clicking on the "Show more posts" does nothing. When I try to see anyone's friend list (including my own) NO names/profiles appear.

This was a sudden problem just starting 2 days ago. I, too, use Firefox 3.0.3 (and IE7) and have Windows XP. My Javascript is enabled. My profile works fine on other machines so it must be something on this specific machine (my primary one.) I have no idea what else to look for and have yet to hear back from FB Help Center (which I also couldn't access using FB on the problem machine -- the link didn't link to anything. I had to submit the help request from another machine!)

- Dan A - 04-20-2014 10:48 PM

Switch back to FF 2.0. Solved the problem for me.

- John D - 04-20-2014 10:55 PM

I have the same problem too. I tried firefox 2.0, same problem.

I still have the same problem in the latest versions of Firefox and Internet Explorer, it's driving me nuts, it works fine in Flock 'though.

EDIT: ok now it's stopped working in flock too... I'll try that fix below.

- Christine C - 04-20-2014 11:06 PM

i wish i could help, but i'm having the same problems. if you search Yahoo Answers, you'll find a zillion other people who have had the same problem and NO answers.

i posted on this developers' site:

i have no idea if anyone reads it or who can (or will) do anything about it. i'm feeling pretty hopeless right now. i even tried Flock, which didn't work at all.

maybe if people create accounts on that bug site and add their input to the thread i linked, we'll get some help. i don't think it can hurt, anyway. good luck!

EDIT: i think i fixed my facebook issues. check out this topic and see if it doesn't work for you. i posted my results in the thread.