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Larp group advertising techniques? - Printable Version

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Larp group advertising techniques? - Clayton - 04-21-2014 06:55 AM

Alright, so I am a teenager first off, so Im not very familiar with the business and advertising industry. Anyway, I started a local Larp Chapter called Larpcraft: LorLand Colony. Anyway, I have not seen any growth and Its still a mainly 1 man operation, and the most people I have had at an event is like 5....which is disappointing. I need advice on how to advertise my group.
Here are some steps I'm taking right now: I've gone to Vista print and am going to purchase about 1,000 business cards for the group and I plan on having them in Game stores, the Local Leather Store, and bring them to other events that I attend. I've also created a Facebook Group and page, but I did this many months ago and have seen no progress.

Please give me advice or personal experiences that I could use, please I am in desperate need!!!

- Ethari - 04-21-2014 07:09 AM

E-commerce site..............