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Why has it become weird to not want to share your personal life on Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why has it become weird to not want to share your personal life on Facebook? - Drivenbydesire - 04-21-2014 12:17 PM

7 years ago, I joined Facebook and like most people, I was so happy to find long lost friends and relatives and share so many ideas and get a glimpse into the lives of strangers. I even became narcissistic and found myself fawning over my pretty photos, and the compliments I received. It got to a point where I cared too much about Facebook, and felt like I had to compete with my fake friends in some ridiculous popularity contest. I grew tired of it and visited the site less and less. Because I'm a web reporter, I have to stay on Facebook to social monitor trends. I know use social media only to share interesting articles once in a while. It amazes me how a lot of people overshare and post every detail of their private life. I recently got engaged and only told my closed ones. No Facebook photo or announcement. I don't plan too. My private life is private. Many people I know who found out I was engaged were practically scandalized that I refuse to post new photos of my fiancé and I and of our upcoming wedding. The called me a sociopath when I said I refused to post any photo of our future kids online. What is so wrong with wanting to preserve your privacy?

- Paul - 04-21-2014 12:25 PM

As you seem to know there is nothing wrong with it. You've grown and moved on others haven't simple as that. They're still obsessed as you once were so clearly you understand better than most.

- Bob - 04-21-2014 12:34 PM

Well done. You have come to the realisation that personal data is personal, and you shouldn't give it away for free.

I would say you should check out my FB page, but there's nothing to see!

- Fred - 04-21-2014 12:35 PM

These people are totally insecure. They show off their lives to gain attention. And are totally jealous when other people do not do the same. Just be proud of being sensible and not wanting to post personal details. And remember these people do not even understand their own language. Sociopath means someone who knows they are doing something wrong or illegal but do not care and have no feelings for others.