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I am try really hard to stop being racist but people still hate me? - Printable Version

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I am try really hard to stop being racist but people still hate me? - Leni - 04-21-2014 12:46 PM

I asked a similar question a few months ago and people here really helped me and I want to thank everyone. I am turning 17 in a few days. My parents are not responsible for my terrible beliefs, in fact they don't know anything about it, it's my uncle's fault (and mine). It's a really long story but I ended up with a Jewish boyfriend (not exactly Jewish, he and his family are atheists, but they would still be Jews according to our stupid racial theories). He was that new student at school with the perfect looks and the awesome personality. I have no idea how I developed such a crush.

When I explained him my problem he was willing to help me because I really wanted to change. I have made a HUGE progress, I still can't get myself to like certain groups of people but I am already a lot different. At least I am not obsessed with Hitler anymore (it sounds scary, I know).

The thing is, people at school still hate me. Last week someone put really hot sauce in my food, it burned so much that I almost went to the hospital, I was crying and screaming. It felt as if I swallowed fire, I had the breath of a dragon. And people make really mean comments on facebook whenever he uploads a photo with me, they are like "run away from that b! tch". Very few people are willing to talk to me or be my friends, most still hate me. I know I was a terrible person but did I really deserve the hot sauce?

What can I do now? Why people still hate me?
I am really thankful for everything he has done for me, he is the most awesome person I have ever met. He says I should ignore people who hate me but how do you ignore people who put hot sauce in your food and attempt to superglue your hair? Sorry for my bad English…
They already know that I am doing my best to change and I have already apologized. Their attitude towards me is still the same.
Let's make a few things clear because not even one person has read/answered the question properly. I have no problem with other races anymore, I have no problem with homosexuals etc. There are a few minorities that I still don't like but I need some time and I will be okay. I already have someone to help me with that, your rude comments won't help.

- sbbb l - 04-21-2014 01:01 PM

Nobody knows the inside of your heart. You may have a relapse. If you were true about your changing you would have apologized sincerely to people you have hurt by your previous proud racist stance/attitudes.

- Mark - 04-21-2014 01:14 PM

A lot of drug addicts "try really hard" not to use drugs, bu tthat doesn't mean they are clean.

As to why people still hate you, refer to above. Also, they might not "hate" you because you are racist, but perhaps it's just your personality. (I'm sure you think you are wonderful, but other people might not think so.) I don't even KNOW you, and there is something about your post (not your question itself) that just rubs me the wrong way. Think about it.

- Mia - 04-21-2014 01:24 PM

I hope you will manage to stop hating people. Keep on with your change.

- Tiffany - 04-21-2014 01:31 PM

Most people that have been set in their ways when it comes to their prejudices against others don't have a total 180 degree turnaround instantly. It takes exposure to a diverse group of people, especially the ones you dislike because of their skin color. You may still have some people that give you a reason not to like them, but it's something that should be attributed to the individual, not their race. I can't speak for all the idiots that are my color, but how some treat me has to do with the way they view those people. There are plenty of good, honest, decent people who just don't look like you. I commend you for your efforts to change your way of thinking.