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How can I earn subscribers for my YouTube channel? - Printable Version

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How can I earn subscribers for my YouTube channel? - Michael - 04-21-2014 02:42 PM

Is there a way to gain subscribers?

I tried Good Quality Videos, make tags, made good titles of my videos, ask my friends to watch my videos, make commentary, tell my friends on Facebook about it and such... but it those plans didn't work.

I have a lot of money and I never advertise on YouTube before. But I need to gain subs fast.

I'm done waiting around... so should I advertise?

If you know how to advertise, then can I have tips on advertising?

- mikey - 04-21-2014 02:54 PM

First of all, you need to have the mindset of Why would someone want to watch this. You didn't say what category your channel was, so that didn't help. You can't say that you NEED subs. You want subs. For it to work, you need to make a sh!t ton on videos. And they HAVE to be high quality and professional. And make it so that the viewers have something in common with you.

- Shirley - 04-21-2014 03:07 PM

Try to Rank your video in YT and other search engines. Using proper Video Title, description, Thumbnail will attract people and they will like and subscribe your video. Your video will be unique, interesting, high quality and some what funny.

Also share your video on all social media sites and ask your friends to like and share your video. Then you'll get more and more likes, views and subscribers on your video and channel.