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How do I link feedburner with blogger? - Printable Version

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How do I link feedburner with blogger? - Julie - 04-21-2014 05:29 PM

I have both a feedburner and account. My newsletter subscribers sign up through feedburner. I inputted my feedburner address into my blogger account, but when I post to blogger my feedburner subscribers aren't getting the email. Am I doing something wrong?

- Peter Nikolow - 04-21-2014 05:31 PM

Tracking 100% of your feed traffic: Redirecting your Blogger feed to your FeedBurner feed

Blogger can make sure all feed traffic for your blog content goes to your FeedBurner feed. This ensures your FeedBurner stats are comprehensive and accurate; even subscribers to the 'Original Feed' are routed through FeedBurner. To redirect your feed:

1. In a new browser window, sign in to your Blogger account.

2. From the Blogger Dashboard, click the Settings link for the blog you want to promote.

3. The Settings page for your selected blog should appear.

4. Click the Site Feed link under the Settings tab.

5. Type your complete FeedBurner feed address into the Post Feed Redirect URL text field. Make sure you type in your entire feed address including the "http://" portion.

Click Save Settings.

6. You should see the message "Settings were Saved Successfully".

Blogger will now redirect all feed traffic for your blog to your FeedBurner feed.

Note: If you are using the redirection feature within Blogger to send all of your feed traffic to your FeedBurner feed, you may want to modify the code we provide in order to keep your subscribers with you, even if you leave FeedBurner.