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First time selling on eBay.? - Printable Version

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First time selling on eBay.? - Mathew - 04-21-2014 07:08 PM

I just sold an iPod Touch on eBay.
The buyer has not paid yet. But I looked at her profile and she just made it and has no reputation.

The buyer requested I send the package to Africa, where her son lives. However I have one worry, what if she says: "My son did not receive it, I want my money back blablabla."

I have never sent a package before. Please help me.

- Roddy - 04-21-2014 07:15 PM

NEVER ship to Africa! It's a scam! Nigeria is the scam capital of the world. You will get a fake email saying you've been paid but they won't release the funds until you provide tracking information. FORWARD the email unchanged to and they will reply usually within a couple of hours to let you know they never sent it.

Been on eBay for fifteen years and I've seen every scam out there.