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Do you have experience as an Administrator using - Printable Version

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Do you have experience as an Administrator using - Mark - 04-21-2014 08:04 PM

I'm considering deploying in my office as a quick & easy replacement for our Intranet. I would love to here some feedback from people who have used it in a professional environment? Is the tool well received? Or does it serve as a "time suck" where people go to avoid working? Also, if you are an administrator, I'd like to learn about any tips/tricks you might have learned in your deployment. Thanks.

- jimgmacmvp - 04-21-2014 08:20 PM

I use Yammer, but I'm not a Yammer admin.

#1 gripe - every time i log into Yammer it sends me an email telling me I logged into Yammer. Like duh! I knew that.

Yammer is a lot more intimate and involving than the typical bulletin-board style of intranet. It's more like Facebook so consider it a social networking tool adapted for a closed group of people.

Any intranet or social media gathering place has the possibility of becoming a time suck. Managers often worry that employees will spend too much time discussing trivia with each other, but the biggest time suck seems to be long-winded management messages encouraging feedback, which employees feel obliged to provide.