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Should I use my own name for a website? - Printable Version

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Should I use my own name for a website? - Dave - 04-21-2014 08:42 PM

Hi, I really like blogging and have a passion for it. From topics that are popular today to things that I like. I also love doing product reviews, posting things on politics, celebrities, tech and gadgets. I love the news and I can't get enough of it. I'm always looking for more things to talk about but the thing is, I'm not sure if I should use my own name as my website name or should I create a name along the lines of my name. For example if my name was Daniel Tosh (like the guy on comedy central) would you use or would you do something a long the lines of ToshDaily etc?

Even Chelsea Handler on E! She uses the name "Chelsea Lately" on her talk show but I wouldn't want to take "lately" because everyone already knows thats her thing but I can always find something along the lines of that.

What are your thoughts? Thanks.

- Katiana Baptiste - 04-21-2014 08:43 PM


- tia - 04-21-2014 08:56 PM

I think using one's name makes sense if you already have a certain degree of popularity. If it's not the case, I would say that it makes you more approachable and reduces the distance between you and your readers and your readers might be more likely to remember you because they know your name. Since you are considering that option, I assume anonymity is not a concern of yours.
As for using your entire name or part of it, if you can come up with an interesting catchphrase, great, if not, your entire name as the URL seems sufficient.

Good luck!

- Jake - 04-21-2014 09:10 PM

Building brand is a lengthy process, I would suggest creating multiple blogs with names that hint at the subject matter rather than a vanity name, a keyword included in the domain name can help search ranking a bit, politics, celebrities & tech review would ideally be in 3 separate focused blogs, aside from sech rank and directory site placement advantages of a focused site, when you sell site wide banner space, your advertisers would prefer a site with a specific subject they can match their ads to.