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Did I make him feeling like a loser?! Please help? - Printable Version

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Did I make him feeling like a loser?! Please help? - Libby - 04-21-2014 09:50 PM

Me and my ex boyfriend broke up two weeks ago, when I thought I was in a loving relationship he thought it was making him more depressed;
When I thought we were comparable, he thought we got along but we have different point of view of the world and we are different;
He told me he was at his mid life crisis and felt like a failure as he didn't have all the things in life which he should have had in place at his age (45) I found what he dose is very interesting (freelance-writing but most of the time Gets paid little or none) He doesn't have stable income but I didn't mind as I see that's the way he gets his freedom and able to do the things he loves rather than being forced into an employment due to the pressure of living. At the same point, I have a very stable job and profession and I'm younger (33) and healthy, he was worried about being an old father although would love to have children and was generally worried about his physical health( painful back and neck) did I push all his insecurity buttons and made him feel even worse by being myself and encourage him to get a job (as I thought that was hat he wanted to do not that I asked him to) as I just want to be the support no matter what he chooses to do? He broke up with me saying he had no feelings there and we are different. I have not heard from him for two weeks and he tried to run away from me on all the social media I can feel it. Did I make him feeling more miserable and like a loser therefore he hates me

- rruloff - 04-21-2014 09:56 PM

It is very difficult for some people, who are chronically sad and worrying and selfcritical, to be with people who are happy, vibrant, expressive, hopeful, loving, accepting and/or successful.
It intensifies their negative feelings and they don't exercize their skills in releaving those feelings and changing their situations.
Instead they wallow in their pain: "they hide themselves in their cozy, warm dung pile."
You both could have teamed up and could have made eachother's lives complete.
It probably will not happen.
He is responsible for himself, you are not. A writer needs (self)-reflection skills. He must have them, but he didn't use them here.
Don't copy his outlook on life: don't blame yourself.

- Naguru - 04-21-2014 09:58 PM

I tried to elicit information about it. Not once. I asked him several times. But he seems to be perplexed or bewildered. He has been confused by somebody. By the way, have you mesmerized him or hypnotized him or not. Your boyfriend, therefore, now prefers to be silent. When I ask, he says, silence is Golden. Once bitten twice shy. This is his prevailing condition. Can you please afford to wait and spare me some more time. I will try to apply all the techniques and diplomacy known to me and I will definitely extract this information from his mouth. I am confident. Don't worry. It is my responsibility. Be always optimistic in life with high hopes and aspirations.