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How to sell products on Ebay? - Printable Version

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How to sell products on Ebay? - Nevada Davoode - 04-21-2014 10:04 PM

Well i want to sell my PS3 with couple of games and my airsoft gun. Plz don't tell me craigslist i already tried it and got 5 spammers responding. So plz tell me how i can sell it off ebay how does it work, what should i put info and stuff before selling it, what about the shipping. I can't pay for the shipping. So how do ik how much da shipping will cost. Like do i have to go to like ups and see what the shipping will be. Den go home and write +9.00 may seem like a stupid question but i have no i idea what i have to do to sell it plz tell me the steps and be specific. Thx

- Uncommon Sense - 04-21-2014 10:14 PM

Then go to and watch the seller tutorials. They're very good.

- Charlie - 04-21-2014 10:21 PM

Yeah that's pretty much it.

Write your description of the item.
Take pictures, more the better!
Package your item up.
Take to post office for quote.

I generally don't sell abroad, its more hassle but is entirely up to you. I sold my old PS3 end of last year, you can use my descriptions if you'd like.

Remember to write the description as accurately as possible, your helping to protect yourself that way. When the bidding has ended and only when you receive full payment, dispatch the item quickly, with as much protection as you can.

One other tip: I use Auction Listing Creator to add multiple images to a listing without needing to pay eBay more to list the item. It makes the auction look nicer too!