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Upset that my boyfriend watches..... PLEASE HELP? - trn - 04-22-2014 12:34 AM

My boyfriend likes to look at porn. I don't like it at ALL. The thought of him jacking off to a another girl sickens me.

He likes to look at nude pics of porn stars, goes on their twitter etc. which makes me even more upset.

Am I the only woman who feels this way?

- HJW - 04-22-2014 12:48 AM

No you are not the only but many men do like porn. I see nothing wrong with men watching porn ( I am a woman ) You have some issues. Men are visual.

- wizjp - 04-22-2014 01:00 AM

Nope. I think a lot if not most women feel something along that line about solo porn.

Guys are visual; Bored Guys watch porn. There was porn on the walls of Pompeii. Thanks to the net, there is more free available porn than anyone knows what to do with.

Don't take it so personally.

- Bjorn - 04-22-2014 01:01 AM

Obviously he has sexual needs. I think that the best way to satisfy those needs is to give him what he wants.

- Cedar - 04-22-2014 01:17 AM

What he does when he masturbates is not your business. His sexuality does not begin and end with you, and while you are perfectly within your rights to feel 'sickened' you are definitely not within your right to ask him to stop. However, you ARE within your rights to ask that he not do it when you are around.

- King Swahilli - 04-22-2014 01:19 AM

Leave him now. He's not right for you and you are DEFINITELY not right for him.

- YOUN - 04-22-2014 01:34 AM

Watching porn shouldn't bother you but going on twitter etc that's a little too much and would definitely bother me as well. Talk to him. But don't make him feel attacked or embarrassed

- geetarman56 - 04-22-2014 01:39 AM

Just looking at porn is usually pretty harmless. Guys are visual animals and enjoy seeing good looking bodies on women, no real problem there. But since he tweets them he's taking it to another level by contacting them because it shows he's trying to attract them and get a response maybe. This could iindicate he would cheat on you if he had the chance with someone. Just appreciating a girl's body is one thing. You're not alone in not liking porn and he's pushing the limit with contacting them.

- Ann - 04-22-2014 01:41 AM

Men like porn. but they usually watch it in a disconnect to the woman. meaning it's not the woman they are attracted to but their action. An example is that there are normally men in porn doing the sexual action too. Are they attracted to the men? Probably not, (unless they are gay of course). But taking an attraction to the porn stars and following them on facebook or twitter is another thing. I believe that it has gone too far then. I don't believe that him watching porn is a result of him not being attracted to you. My husband watches porn every now and then and it doesn't bother me because I am very comfortable in knowing how much he loves me. Are you comfortable in knowing that he loves you and is attracted to you? You don't have to answer that on the internet but it may be something you might want to ask yourself. Whatever your answer is you may want to casually talk to him about it. Maybe come up with some guidelines you both may be comfortable with. For instance I don't necessarily like him watching (on video) single girls, because that's like admiring the girl rather than the action.

- Kurt - 04-22-2014 01:57 AM

Every man on the planet watches porn. You have two choices. Divorce him and live as a single woman for the rest of your life or grow the fvck up.