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What is the difference between difference between PR & SERP? - Printable Version

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What is the difference between difference between PR & SERP? - Standford - 04-22-2014 11:31 AM

- Jake - 04-22-2014 11:33 AM

Google's Page Rank (PR) system gives an overall page rating, apparently based mainly on the links it gets from other sites, this system is not well maintained, page rank numbers are only updated about 5 times a year, there were no changes fora period of many months in 2013. PR gives an idea of the value of a page as a backlink source and may help the appraisal value of a site being sold, there are ways of temporarily cheat the system.

Search Engines Result Pages are where valuable free traffic comes from, search ranking is tied to specific search keywords and can fluctuate day by day.

- Alva - 04-22-2014 11:45 AM

There is no connection between PR and SERP.
Page Rank(PR) which is defined by quality inbound links from other website to our website as well as say the importance of that site.
Search Engine Result Page(SERP) is the placement of the website which is returned by search engine after a search query or attribute...

- Mark Smith - 04-22-2014 11:58 AM

PR:- Its Page Rank. Usually its Starts from 0 to 10.

SERP:- Search Engine Result Page. Whenever you type some words on Seach box of any other search engines then the display results are called SERP.

- Jhon - 04-22-2014 12:01 PM

PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Let’s call it Google’s rating or grade for your webpage (0 = lowest, 10 = highest).

SERP means Search Engine Ranking Page. This is what you look at multiple times a day. It’s the (first) page of results Google gives you when you are searching for a keyword or a keyword combination.