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How do I submit my website as .com when my version is still running? - Printable Version

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How do I submit my website as .com when my version is still running? - lisa - 04-22-2014 12:23 PM

My current website has been up and running as for 5 month. I decided to invest in a much better website and used .com. When the new one launches next week i will close the old one down. All i have at the moment showing at new url is website under construction etc. Is this enough for me to be able to submit the new url to search engines? Any advice you have would be very much appreciated. Thanks for reading.

- Tj - 04-22-2014 12:37 PM

If you own your own website like "" it's best to talk to your web host about changing your domain. Maybe they can switch your to .com without making a completely new website if that makes sense? what you say can work if you tell google webmasters/bing or whichever search engine you dont want the website showing up in search results. Hope i helped