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How to advertise your online store, to gain more traffic and sells? - Printable Version

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How to advertise your online store, to gain more traffic and sells? - ke - 04-22-2014 02:58 PM

Hello, the website is:
and the online store is:

The business is about solar power, solar energy, rooftop installations and selling some LED light bulbs.

Can anyone give me some suggestions for promote the online store?


- Hugo90 - 04-22-2014 03:09 PM

Put your store on eBay. They will bring the customers. Lots of businesses have a store on eBay to take advantage of all the regular users who shop there first.

- G-Man - 04-22-2014 03:21 PM

Don't fall for the guys claiming 1000's of hits/day or the one that claims theirs is "the best". I did it myself, now I have a firm I pay to do it. You need sales, not traffic. Anyone can get you traffic, but you can't take that to the store and buy groceries.

Go to Google, Yahoo and Bing and look at PPC campaigns and key word use.