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So me and my ex girlfriend are talking again.? - Printable Version

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So me and my ex girlfriend are talking again.? - Corey - 04-22-2014 03:09 PM

We were bestfriends for almost 4 years and last January we decided to get together. At first like any other couple we were all happy and bubbly and then we became comfortable with each other and it soon got to the point where we knew everything about each other (like we didn't already know before from being bestfriends), but we couldn't find anything to do really and it just got boring after a while. We argued a lot about the stupidest stuff and then we started having trust issues with each other because of reasons I won't mention on here. Yes I'm only 16 and people may call it "young love" but I feel that if God shows you someone in your life that's meant to be it doesn't matter if you're only 16 but how mature you act. I focus a lot on school and getting a career but I still keep her close by. We had a lot of issues after the breakup about social media and what not.. typical drama, but I've steered clear of it now to be happier and healthier. We broke up back in early February. We tried talking again and we had a lot of issues and it always ended up in fights. I want to meet with her but I feel that the feelings I still have for her will overcome me and I will try to kiss her or something. God's telling me that the feelings are mutual so I'm gonna go with that. I wanna wait till after high school to date her again to save us drama. I'm a Junior and she's a Sophomore. They say if you let something go and it comes back it's yours. Is it meant to be? Please no negativity.

- 422 - 04-22-2014 03:13 PM

What are you asking? Do I think you will end up together? No.

- john - 04-22-2014 03:18 PM

When you create more options for yourself (like other girls) you begin to
see things healthier. It allows you to walk away if another person starts
silly drama - because you would have better options.

Be with her without being pushy about being with her in a relationship.
Also, be ok to walk away and be ok if she goes to someone else.

Here's an article on how to text an ex back:

Good luck