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Is the SEO I have for my website good? What improvements would you recommend? - Printable Version

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Is the SEO I have for my website good? What improvements would you recommend? - NIRVANA - 04-22-2014 03:40 PM

I'm trying to rank highly in local Google search and I can't seem to crack the top 7 that's always shown on the Google maps results when you search for a local business. I've done my best to optimize my meta tags, try to have anchor text to rank for keywords, and to create decent content that would benefit my audience, but my page isn't even close to the top.

There are other local websites that are always at the top and their websites don't have anything special at all- what do they have that I don't? I have 17 Google reviews by the way and I'm rated higher than my competitors in the area.

What could I be doing wrong? Please check my code and see if I have all the right tags and crawling settings. I want to rank highly for local keywords like "salon plano tx" "hair salon plano" "beauty salon plano" "hair stylist in plano". How can I get there? Here's my website:

Thanks in advance for all your help!

- Alex - 04-22-2014 03:46 PM


The premises location isn't exactly clear. I had to scroll down to the bottom to see where it was.

Can you have "Shiva WiX hair care ADDRESS INFO"
Then on your philo story just have it as a link below the address line.

In all honesty though, I only judge myself? I wouldn't make a site like that, so if I suggest how to make a website am I taking away your individuality?

All in all, I am sure if someone in Plano Texas drives past the salon, they'll go there if they need to get a hair do.

- Jake - 04-22-2014 03:52 PM

It's important that you do have a machine readable address in the Contact Us page, you might make the font size a bit bigger, I don't really know if it's a factor. A section discussing local culture mentioning cities, linking to local sites may help with the local ranking.

I asked a small local florist, what measures they took to get top ranking in Google Places results, they said nothing was done, but the store was around for 50 years, your site being only 10 months old may be beat by better established businesses.

Backlinks remain an important ranking factor, one reporting tool, sees no links to your site. Getting listed in the several free local business directories may boost local ranking as well.

- Fabian - 04-22-2014 04:03 PM

Do Business Listing for your website, which play a vital role in local google search. Through the Business listing websites will be in top 10, with in 15 days. Here you have to give Name, address, Phone number. Also need gmail or phone number verification to registration.