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Why did Facebook team up with CNN for the inauguration? - Printable Version

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Why did Facebook team up with CNN for the inauguration? - Justin - 04-22-2014 04:20 PM

Facebook could have teamed up with FoxNews. I'm pulling out of Facebook.

- unbreakable - 04-22-2014 04:20 PM

that shows you facebook are liberals like cnn. it's discusting.
i really should write to the facebook creators... like that will do anything. im so sick of obama and we still got 4 years of him.

- taz r - 04-22-2014 04:22 PM

FoxNews is conservative, CNN is more liberal. Facebook is comprised of mostly college students, 90% of which are liberals (or at least claim to be so because it's trendy). So obviously it's in Facebook's best interest to team up with a liberal news source.

Not to mention CNN most likely paid them a very large sum of cash for the advertising.

- Hater Police - 04-22-2014 04:27 PM

Why not? both are CORPORATIONS...they made a business deal