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How can I get more Facebook likes? - Printable Version

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How can I get more Facebook likes? - 122 - 04-22-2014 10:08 PM

I have 444 friends and I know all of them and they all know me yet whenever I change my profile picture, I only get near 43 likes whereas my friends who have like the same amount of friends as me have like 200 likes.. How do I get more likes??

- bethany - 04-22-2014 10:22 PM

put for a caption or status "like my profile picture for a return" or something like that

- muldoon - 04-22-2014 10:33 PM

Lol, don't let i bother you my friend. 43 is pretty good. If this is important to you, be really nice and like everyone's picture all the time. This sort of thing is contagious. Good Luck.

- Jim - 04-22-2014 10:41 PM

The "Likes" mean nothing at all - forget about this.