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My mom doesn't understand social anxiety...? - Printable Version

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My mom doesn't understand social anxiety...? - Jenny - 04-22-2014 11:29 PM

(I know for sure that i have social anxiety so dont try and tell me i dont) Whenever I go out my mom gets so mad at me for my social anxiety and she knows that I have it but she still gets really really mad. But then she never does anything about it. I also have BDD and she doesn't do anything about it either. I really want help but I don't know what to do because I also don't want my mom to be mad at me and I know I'm making her upset because she wants to go out and have fun with me and I don't want to make her upset. What should I do???

- xGottesxEngelx - 04-22-2014 11:31 PM

She doesn't seem very understanding but I'm gonna suggest what helps me get through my anxiety/ depression/mood swings/ etc
What I take is called St. John's Wort, it's a natural supplement that you don't need a prescription for. It's inexpensive and has helped me so so much.
I would see if she'd be up for it and give them a try, good luck Jenny.

- Sheyla - 04-22-2014 11:37 PM

I suggest that you tell her that you have mental illnesses that prevent you from living the quality of life that you want to live. Tell her that you need help in order to treat them and that you do not want to upset her. I have Social Anxiety Disorder and I currently take medicine and go to therapy. It has helped in so many ways. You should do your best to convince her to let you get help. Tell her that insurance covers most of the cost of therapy and medication and, it will help you in social situations and when you hang out with her in the presence of people.

- Kirsty Montgomery - 04-22-2014 11:54 PM

I understand you, i have had social anxiety from a very young age however i was diagnosed with socially anxiety last year and i am currently on medication for it, I'm on 50mg of Chloropromazine at night.

I know you say your main problems with social anxiety is that you don't want to go out and this is the main problem i had with social anxiety because i never wanted to leave my house and mostly because i was afraid of the outside. I don't know what other symptoms you suffer from but i also suffered from not being able to speak in public, when people communicated with me i didnt know what to say like i was very socially awkward, i had a big fear of being judged and i suffered from really bad panic attacks, i also didnt want to be around people.

When i 17 i was recommended to go on medication for my depression and social anxiety i didnt want to because i was afraid that i would become dependant on the medication to make me happy and keep me from becoming nervous around people. I don't know what age you are but i really recommend going to your doctor and if you are under 18 they will send you to a psychiatrist for young people and they will basically access you and decide what medication will be best for you.

As for your mum i completely understand what it is like trying to explain to your mum that you have social anxiety it is really hard because they just don't understand but what i had to do to get my mummy to understand was to tell her what social anxiety was and the symptoms of social anxiety. I think only you will know what to tell your mum to help her understand but you should tell that different people deal with social situations differently and some people prefer to be on their own for whatever reason but you need to help her understand what you are going through what social anxiety means to you and how it affects you.

I am doing so much better that social anxiety sometimes doesn't even cross my mind any more after being on my tablets for a short period of time i have seen a massive difference. I am able to work in groups which i was never able to do before. I communicate with my friends and go out now whereas before i was making up excuses on why i couldn't go out with them because i didn't want to be outside. Don't get me wrong tablets aren't the answer to everything but the certainly did help me but i also got help by going to counselling to help me cope with my social anxiety which also helped as well.

Since i have social anxiety although im currently doing much better. I'm willing to talk to you and answer any questions you may have. If you need to talk to someone my email address is However if you do need more proof that i am a general real person i am willing to give you my facebook name as i am a normal girl who has social anxiety and severe depression. Take care and i hope i helped Smile

- deanne - 04-22-2014 11:58 PM

When mom is calm and in a good mood, tell her you have been feeling horrible and you want a complete medical checkup. Then, when you are with dr and mom isnt, tell him or her everything. Ask for meds to help you get rid of this.