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Why do people hate celebrities/YouTubers? - Printable Version

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Why do people hate celebrities/YouTubers? - Mahsa - 04-23-2014 07:54 AM

I don't like Justin Bieber or One Direction but I have NEVER in my life gone to a social media and said "OMG, JB AND 1D SUCKZZZZ SO MUCH EWWW" *diva voice*. But there are lots of people who have and I don't really understand why. Why would you waste your time making a hate page and say lots of sh*t about people? If ANYONE that is reading this has made a hate page please tell my why Smile. The same with YouTubers! People like Onision and The Janoskians have gotten a lot of hate. Someone made a hate page on Facebook say lots of sh*t about The Janoskians, it got so bad that court got evolved in the situation. Yeah, that's it….bye….I guess LOL. I'm weird ^.^.

- C406 - 04-23-2014 07:56 AM

I totally agree with you.

- froooooozen - 04-23-2014 08:02 AM

Yeah it's like why are you making a hate page? Do you have a life?

- lala - 04-23-2014 08:14 AM

People are jealous. They are jealous that they all have been lucky and blessed to have a chance at becoming something that they don't. I am not a huge belieber or directioner but that doesn't mean I go and hate on them with accounts. I personally am a fan of the janoskians and don't get how anyone could hate them. They are honestly the sweetest and most amazing boys out there. They promote no bullying and tell their followers EVERYDAY how much they love and appreciate all we have done and continue to do to get them where they are. People are jealous that they cant have what they do and decide to waste time hating on others. My mom always said "Hurt people hurt people" as in they're hurting so they go on and hurt others. This is basically 100% true.

The janoskians say "Haters gunna hate, potatos gunna potate, tomatos gunna tomate and dogs are gunna bark." Well this is true here to. People will hate no matter what you just have to ignore them and not feed into it and they'll go away. That's just my opinion though Smile

- Aloelle - 04-23-2014 08:19 AM

I don't understand it. Instead of wasting your time on something you hate, why not channel that negative energy into something positive and support something you like?

I'm not a fan of Miley Cyrus or Beyonce. But I would never waste my time tweeting hate about them. I'd rather tweet about the celebrities I love.

- NyQii - 04-23-2014 08:27 AM

the janoskians are fab screw them!