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Signs he secretly likes you a lot? - Printable Version

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Signs he secretly likes you a lot? - Sydney - 04-23-2014 10:16 AM

- dazzy - 04-23-2014 10:30 AM

1.) He always starts a conversation. Either in public or social media.
2.) He laughs or chuckles a lot when you're near him. a.k.a sign of nervousness.
3.) He can notice you through a crowd of people.
4.) He always stares at you.
5.) He stares at you and smiles.
6.) He's okay telling you some of his secrets.
7.) His male friends talk to you a lot and ask you questions.
8.) Did he ever lend you his sweater?

- ♥Unicorn♥ - 04-23-2014 10:43 AM

Hmm. The only reasons he would be secretly interested in you is if he's just a shy guy, or he's embarrassed to like someone like you. If he's shy, great. If he's just embarrassed, ditch that crush.

First, I'd have to say, is if he looks at you a lot. If you can catch him staring at you, or if, when you look at him, he looks back. Guys like pretty things, and they like looking at pretty things. So if he's constantly looking over at you, he thinks you're attractive, at least.

Second, if he tries to make conversation with you. That means, if he attempts to make even small talk with you. Just talking to you is probably the best thing that could happen to him.

Third, if he tries hard to be the center of your attention. This includes waving, greeting hi every day, or at least more than usual, or if he tries extremely hard to make you laugh.

Fourth, if this guy offers to help you out, and assist you. If he stands up for you (even though you may not need his help), offers to put your textbooks away for you, and just offers to do anything for you in general.

(I'm really not an expert, so if this advice sucks, I'm so sorry). Good luck though c: xx