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What funny Indian ad is this? Can't remember the product. Please help.? - Printable Version

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What funny Indian ad is this? Can't remember the product. Please help.? - Ganesh - 04-23-2014 10:38 AM

In the ad two doctors are shown to be operating on a patient. One of the doctors seems to be instructing the steps of the surgery to the other by waving his hands over the patients abdomen...while a patriotic music plays in the background. But when they rewind the ad without the background music..we hear the doctors talk. One says, "this is the river..dividing the land in two...the part containing the river is mine..because I'm the senior". There's one more part about two cricketers. But I hope one is enough. If not I'll post the other one too.

- Prakruthi A - 04-23-2014 10:47 AM

Indian Advertising which was considered very intelligent is now at its lowest ebb mainly 1) Due to lack of Creative Thinkers and 2) Clients do not want to pay for the creatives 3) Agencies cannot afford the high costs of Creatives
These three are mainly contributing for the downfall in the Indian Advertising Standards. To add to all this, there is no stricter regulatory body to monitor the advertising in India.

- Sagar - 04-23-2014 10:48 AM

It was ad of center fresh : zunban pe lagam lagaye

- Priya - 04-23-2014 10:58 AM

Center fresh! They make the best add. Love centre fresh and their fresh ads which is very creative