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how to tell this boy I don't like him? - Printable Version

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how to tell this boy I don't like him? - Hilary - 04-23-2014 03:30 PM

For a while I've known that he likes me. His friends tell me and now he wrote me a note. Apparently there was one he put in my locker before but I didn't see it. I DONT like him. I have never had a boyfriend and don't want one (well at least i don't want him as by boyfriend) I don't know how to tell him no.
I don't like talking to people to their faces most the time. Should I write a note?
He also said he's enjoyed our Facebook convosations (I have only talked to his friend but later unfriended the kid because he annoyed the crap out of me) and told me he likes my profile picture , flattering for most but it makes me feel like I'm being watched, stalked almost.

Please help

PS he wants a reply by Monday

- Emmmmma - 04-23-2014 03:31 PM

Tell him nothing more to it

- Compassionate Soul - 04-23-2014 03:34 PM

I. Don't. Like. You. That's it! That's all you have to do. If you beat around the bush, that 'kid' will start to wonder if maybe you do like him, and that is not fair to him or you.

- Violet Sapphire - 04-23-2014 03:38 PM

Tell him in person because it shows you are serious, don't be mean just straight up tell him you don't like him in that way, if need be tell him you like someone else. If he knows your interested in some other person he may stop. It is hard to do things in person sometimes, but it will need to be done. Good luck!

- Noah - 04-23-2014 03:52 PM

Hi I'm a guy, and I'm dealing with this same problem but with a girl, she won't leave me alone! Honestly I would just want honesty, come up to me and say what you like about me, but you are just not interested. If he is a mature guy he should understand and hopefully move on, but the fact that he is giving you a deadline, shows that he is immature, and not worth your time. so I wouldn't even associate myself with him! Good luck and wish me some too!

- Faizan - 04-23-2014 04:02 PM

don't be nice, and don't be mean. tell him straight up, i don't want a relationship. tell him how you like being single. make sure you don't confuse him, or make it seam like he has a chance with you! otherwise he'll keep trying! PConfused: is that doesn't work, be mean. be bitchy, complain about everything. this has helped me lose interest in girls before! it might be hard but its for the better of the both of you!

- Keegan - 04-23-2014 04:08 PM

If you don't like him, it would be easiest to simply tell him. Don't give him a petty excuse for why. It will give him some kind of hope for the future. Be flat out and tell him that you don't like him.

Anyways, he asked for a god damn deadline for a reply. Not worth your time and not worth your effort, but to spare his feelings, it must be done.